
A black background with the word ice 1 written in it.


A laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk.

SpaceLogik's mission is to deliver commercial real estate value through innovative thinking, processes, and products.

We challenge antiquated methods and traditionally accepted benchmarks to generate measurable results, higher client transparency and smoother transactions.

Our vision is to be the leading technology-enabled brokerage solution arming office tenants with a conflict-free, space-efficient, and sustainable alternative.

The SpaceLogik Journey

SpaceLogik was founded by Michael Walker out of frustration when architecture firms inaccurately projected the space his clients needed. At that point, Mr. Walker was a tiny firm and needed transactions to be efficient to compete with the larger national firms.

Mr. Walker developed the cornerstone to the technology, the original space optimization algorithms, as he knew inaccurate space projections wreak havoc on real estate transactions. 

He noted, “If space projections are overestimated, then tenants pay more than they need to for real estate and potentially ideal locations are never considered because of insufficient space. Underestimated space projections cause brokers and tenants to expend a lot of time and energy considering locations that ultimately can’t fit their needs. The transactions stall as alternate locations need to be added and original budgets need to be re-established.”

He continued, “What makes correct sizing of office tenants more difficult to solve is that there’s no guarantee that the space planner/architect is going to design an efficient plan. A space planner that doesn’t spend the necessary time, or lacks the expertise, to develop an efficient office design dismisses otherwise accurate space projections.” 

To solve these industry shortcomings, Mr. Walker started by re-drawing inefficient space plans that were prepared for his clients. He developed a process and list of “50 rules for efficient office design” that are held as trade secrets to this day.
With those rules as a basis, he wrote algorithms that accurately calculate the amount of circulation area needed for any list of space requirements, which are now patented. For the layman, the circulation area is the space needed for aisleways and egress. It’s the largest area in any office space and current industry standards simply apply a guesstimate (i.e. 40%, 45%, etc.) when projecting space needs.
Lastly, he developed an algorithm to adjust for space needed from building to building, also now patented. The building efficiency ratio, or ER, adjusts for building characteristics that impact efficient design like perimeter mechanical units, inefficient building cores, columns, building geometry, like angles and curves.
None of these building characteristics are contemplated by BOMA or industry professionals. To the industry, a tenant that needs 40,000 RSF needs 40,000 RSF in every building, even when comparing a perfect column-free, rectangular building against the architectural equivalent of the Battlestar Galactica.

When combining these tools, SpaceLogik has uncovered a universal oversizing of office tenants.

In 2021, Mr. Walker added other tenant tools including automated construction budgeting, automated space programming that uses predictive analytics, and an online landlord bidding system that increases transparency and eliminates conflicts of interest that sometimes exist in building selection.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Reducing your corporate footprint by 15% may be the strongest environmental statement a company can make. Properly sizing your office reduces the construction materials to build it, as well as the energy to heat, cool, and light the space. You’ll significantly reduce rent and occupancy expenses and reduce your environmental impact. Save money while saving the planet.

A laptop with three people on it and one person is in the middle of the screen.

Let's Get Started!

Discover how SpaceLogik will help you to find, design, and move into your best new corporate office space.